friendship force

Established 1999
Site last updated: February 11, 2024
When your Friendship Force club visits our club, you'll discover Edmonton and area, while making new friends.
Friendship Force is people from different parts of the world connecting at a personal level.
With a very active Board and Executive, and a number of hard-working groups, such as our Social Committee, this is a active club.
Click screen below to view, and to advance through Powerpoint slides.
Our Friendship Force club prepares an itinerary of tours of Edmonton and Area attractions and cultural activities, and we invite visitors from other Friendship Force clubs in other countries to come and stay with our members in our homes for up to a week.
As a Friendship Force host, you can extend the hand of friendship to international guests, and learn about their world without even leaving home. It’s a rewarding experience to give your guests an up-close, insider’s view of life in our country, either through a week of overnight home hospitality, or by helping with daytime cultural activities.
We can also achieve our goal of promoting global understanding by journeying as "Ambassadors" to share the lives of "Host" families in another country for one week. All this works to reduce the barriers that separate people.
Watch this 3-minute video to see how we promote peace through friendships.